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Remember that in order to use the service in Portugal it is important that you have the license plate of your vehicle associated to your VIA-T mobe®. You can do this from your user profile.
IMPORTANT: ViaVerde informs that the particular Via-T may not be used in rental cars hired from Portugal rent-a-car company. If you rent the car in Spain you can use it.
Yes, your VIA-T mobe® works on all motorways in Portugal, both on the regular motorways and on the ExSCUT motorways, which have no toll booths but rather free-flow arches.
NO, if you rent a car in Portugal, you cannot use your device, as it is forbidden by law due to enforcement problem occurred during the past years.
"Considering the efforts to charge car rental clients using tolled road infrastructures which only have available electronic payment, it was enacted the Portaria nr. 135-A/2011, dated April 4, which amended the Portaria nr. 314-B/2010, dated June 14, under which the “toll amounts due by clients of car rental companies whose cars are equipped with Via Verde OBU (on-board-unit) is to be charged by said car rental companies to their clients” (in accordance with article 18). In this case, the clients are required to adhere to the Via Verde System, in case they are willing to use electronic tolled road infrastructures and have the payment made by the car rental company (as set out in article 3 of the Portaria nr. 190/2013, dated May 23).
Aiming at implementing the provision set forth in the abovementioned article 18, it was enacted the Portaria nr. 190/2013, dated May 23, which sets forth that ““(…) car rental companies are required to equip each of the cars of their fleet with a Via Verde OBU (on-board-unit), adhering to an automatic payment system.”.
Therefore, pursuant to paragraph 1 of article 9 of the Portaria n.º 314-B/2010, dated June 14, in its current version, the license plates which have already assigned an OBU (on-board unit) must be blocked with the IMT (Instituto da Mobilidade e dos Transportes) in order to impede that other OBUs (on-board unit) are assigned to the same license plate. This would mean that only one OBU (on-board unit) would be assigned to each license plate.
Based on the above, in case the car rental company has already assigned the Via Verde OBU (on-board unit) under the Portaria nr. 190/2013, dated May 23, no more OBU (on-board unit) are assignable to such vehicles, even if such OBU (on-board unit) are issued by foreign OBU (on-board unit) issuers, considering article 9.º-C of Portaria nr. 314-B/2010, dated June 14.”
In Portugal you will find two types of tolls:
a) On some motorways you will find exclusive lanes, called 'adherent roads', marked with a white 'V' symbol on a green background.
b) ExSCUT motorways use a free-flow system, without barriers nor cabins. You can use any lane. The toll lanes will be properly indicated, before they start, with a 'toll lane' or 'portagem' panel.
Do not worry, it's normal for this to happen on this type of highway. It is very frequent that, although the antennas recognize the device, it does not emit any beep due to their configuration. In any case, if the license plate is linked, the payment will be processed correctly.
Yes, it works both in '25 de abril' y 'Vasco da Gama' bridges.
If you have any claim regarding a transit made in Portugal, please contact our customer service and we will handle it.
Our experienced customer care team will take care of you and solve any doubt you may have.
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