Access my account
Access your Pagatelia on-line account from www.pagatelia.com.
You will find two boxes in the upper right area of the web "my account". As "username" you must indicate the e-mail address that appears in your profile and in the following box the access password.
From your account you will be able to review the transits made from the "consumptions" tab. The operations carried out in your Pagatelia account can be reviewed in the "movements" tab.
You must access your user profile, and in the "top ups" section you will see the option for changing the payment method.
If the account is in the company name you will see the option to enter the new bank account and generate the pdf with the SEPA mandate. This mandate must be signed and stamped, and sent in original to the address indicated on the document itself. Until we receive the original, we will not be able to cash the change in the bank account.
From your user profile you have the possibility to download and print individual proofs of payment. To do so, you must access your account and click on the upper tab "consumptions". In the "transits" section, you will see all the transits made, and by simply clicking on the one you want, a map will appear on the right margin with a button at the top indicating "print".
After entering the incorrect login details you will get an error message "If you have forgotten your password, click here". Once you click on the link, we will automatically send you a new password to your associated email address.
Your mobe® can be transferred to another subscriber. To do this, the new subscriber must have an account in Pagatelia or open it.
This process must be done by contacting our Customer Service and will take one or two days to complete.
Invoices will be issued monthly overdue, only once and in the name of the subscriber listed in our system.
Pagatelia automatically charges and credits your payment account from information received from motorways and car parks.
If you are not satisfied with any payment or want to claim a credit we will help you in your claim. Contact us at pagatelia@verramobility.com and we will provide you with the direct contact of the concessionaire through which you will be able to process the claim.
Even though automatic top-ups cannot be desactivated, you have the possibility to top up yor balance from your Pagatelia online account.
Log in to your online account and seletct the "Top up" option in the top of the menu. In this section you will find several options for recharging your account balance by clicking on the "Recharge Now" button.
Next we show you all the top-up options:
1. By a credit/debir card from your Pagatelia´s online account.
2. By PayPal from your Pagatelia´s online account.
3. By bank transfer to Pagatelias bank account (BBVA), mentioning Pagatelia SLU as the befeficiary field and your Pagatelia´s user account number in the concept field (0010******):
In the 'mobes' tab, click on the PAN number of the device whose associated license plate you want to modify. You can modify it as many times as you need.
Each automatic top-up involves external costs, depending on the payment method associated (credit card, PayPal or spanish bank account).
-Associating a card (VISA/Mastercard) issued to individuals: 0.25€.
-Associating a card (VISA/Mastercard) issued to companies/self-employed persons: 0.99€ for each 100€
-Associating a card (American Express): 0,99€ for each 100€
-International Cards/Other Cards (e.g. issued by Carrefour Financial Services): €0.99 for every €100 reloaded
-Paypal Account: 0,99€ for each 50€
-Associating a bank account: 0,25€.
Although automatic top-ups cannot be deactivated, you can avoid them by making your balance never fall below the established minimum. To do this, you have the option of topping up on time using a card from your user profile, or topping up by bank transfer.
In the "top-ups" tab of your user profile you will see the option of topping up by card or the bank accounts to which you can transfer money to top up your payment account.
If your account is in the name of a company and you link a spanish bank account as a form of payment, a SEPA document will be generated for you during registration, the original of which you must send signed and stamped to our address so that we can finalize the processing of the shipment of your device. It is very important that you transfer the reference number of the document (located at the top of the PDF file) to your bank in order to avoid the returning of the receipts.
Pagatelia will refund the full amount of your balance when you unsubscribe. Once we receive the device we will proceed to the return of your balance.
In certain exceptional cases, such as the retroactive application of discounts by the motorway, in which the resulting balance is abnormally high, you can contact us (pagatelia@verramobility.com).
Pagatelia has the most competitive and complete offer in the electronic toll VIA-T market. These are our conditions:
1) VIA-T mobe® is a payment device for car-related services and is issued by Pagatelia.
2) We have three different plans: Easy Plan, Frequent User and Free Time (www.pagatelia.com/tarifas-viat).
3) The use in Italy and France has a cost of 2'4€ per natural month of use for each country in which you use it. If you don't use it, you don't pay anything.
4) There are no additional fees or commitment to stay. If you don't use it, you just have to return us the device.
5) You have access to online invoicing. Free of charge. For France and Italy we do not issue an invoice, only proof of payment.
6) You don't have to worry about toping up your account. Top ups are automatic, through the associated payment method. In your user profile you can choose the amount -we recommend selecting the average monthly consumption- and the minimum balance below which an automatic recharge will be generated.
7) The balance and the automatic recharge of your account will be a minimum of 15€ for light vehicles and 250€ for heavy vehicles (>3.5 Tn.).
8) Top ups costs vary depending on the payment method associated. They are as follows:
-Card (VISA/Mastercard) issued to individuals: 0.25€.
-Card (VISA/Mastercard) issued to companies/self-employed persons: 0.99€ for each 100€
-Card (American Express): 0,99€ for each 100€
-International Cards/Other Cards (e.g. issued by Carrefour Financial Services): €0.99 for every €100 reloaded
-Paypal Account: 0,99€ for each 100€
-Spanish bank account: 0,25€.
Our experienced customer care team will take care of you and solve any doubt you may have.
You can also contact us in the main Social Networks. Follow us for the latest updates